123Dentist is a leading network of community dental practices, leveraging technology to connect patients with local dentists based on various criteria such as location, services offered, and language preferences. The platform simplifies the process of finding quality dental care, enhancing patient experience across the healthcare services industry.
Dental practice network
Patient-dentist connectivity
Location-based dentist search
Multilingual service options
Technology-driven patient experience
Products & Services
Dental Care Services
Emergency Dental Services
Cosmetic Dentistry
Preventive Care
Dental Specialties
Contact Information
No contact information available
Competitors & Similar Companies(7)
Yelp Health
News & Media
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AcquisitionAI: Product LaunchInvestment: Approval FundingProject: Bid and AuctionBusiness ExpansionFinancing and FundraisingInvestmentJoint VentureLeadership Change (CXO)MergerPartnershipProduct LaunchPublic Offering (IPO)RebrandingReorganizationRestructuringValuation
123Dentist belongs to the Healthcare Technology, Healthcare Services industry.
What are the specialties of 123Dentist?
123Dentist specializes in Dental practice network, Patient-dentist connectivity, Location-based dentist search, Multilingual service options, Technology-driven patient experience.
What products and services is 123Dentist likely to offer?
123Dentist offers Dental Care Services, Emergency Dental Services, Cosmetic Dentistry, Preventive Care, Dental Specialties.
Who are the competitors of 123Dentist?
Competitors of 123Dentist are Zocdoc, Healthgrades, Dentistry.com, CareCredit, Yelp Health, SmileKind, FindADentist.
What does 123Dentist do?
123Dentist is a leading network of community dental practices, leveraging technology to connect patients with local dentists based on various criteria such as location, services offered, and language preferences. The platform simplifies the process of finding quality dental care, enhancing patient experience across the healthcare services industry.