Wild Child Animation is an innovative animation studio that thrives on transforming captivating stories and concepts into vibrant visuals. Committed to inclusivity and creativity, the studio excels in creating engaging content that resonates with diverse audiences in the Media and Entertainment industry.
2D and CG Animation
Inclusive Storytelling
Creative Project Development
Engaging Children's Content
Collaborations with Major Networks
Products & Services
2D Animation Services
3D Animation Services
Character Design
Animation Consultation
Contact Information
No contact information available
Competitors & Similar Companies(9)
Pixar Animation Studios
California, • United States
DreamWorks Animation
Studio Ghibli
Illumination Entertainment
Sony Pictures Animation
California, • United States
Oregon, • United States
Bardel Entertainment
British Columbia, • Canada
Animation Mentor
California, • United States
Fortiche Production
Île-De-France, • France • Media and Entertainment
High-quality animation production, Visual storytelling and narrative design, 3D animation and character modeling, Artistic innovation in animation, Collaborative projects in media
News & Media
Search Terms:
wild child animation
Search Topics:
AcquisitionAI: Product LaunchInvestment: Approval FundingProject: Bid and AuctionBusiness ExpansionFinancing and FundraisingInvestmentJoint VentureLeadership Change (CXO)MergerPartnershipProduct LaunchPublic Offering (IPO)RebrandingReorganizationRestructuringValuation
What industry does Wild Child Animation belong to?
Wild Child Animation belongs to the Media and Information Services, Software and SaaS, Media and Entertainment industry.
What are the specialties of Wild Child Animation?
Wild Child Animation specializes in 2D and CG Animation, Inclusive Storytelling, Creative Project Development, Engaging Children's Content, Collaborations with Major Networks.
What products and services is Wild Child Animation likely to offer?
Wild Child Animation offers 2D Animation Services, 3D Animation Services, Character Design, Storyboarding, Animation Consultation.
Who are the competitors of Wild Child Animation?
Competitors of Wild Child Animation are Pixar Animation Studios, DreamWorks Animation, Studio Ghibli, Illumination Entertainment, Sony Pictures Animation, Laika, Bardel Entertainment, Animation Mentor, Fortiche Production.
What does Wild Child Animation do?
Wild Child Animation is an innovative animation studio that thrives on transforming captivating stories and concepts into vibrant visuals. Committed to inclusivity and creativity, the studio excels in creating engaging content that resonates with diverse audiences in the Media and Entertainment industry.
What are the social media links of Wild Child Animation?